Carers UK
They’re here to make sure that no matter how complicated your query or your experience, you don’t have to care alone.
Telephone: 020 7378 4999
Advice and Support For Carers
If you are caring for a relative, friend, neighbour or partner, please let us know. We will be able to offer you advice and support if needed, as well as things like free flu vaccinations. Please fill out the Register a Carer form below.
Carers Network
Carers Network, which operates across Kensington and Chelsea, provides a tailored service to unpaid carers – supporting them to identify their needs and empowering them to make informed choices for themselves and the person they care for.
Telephone: 020 8960 3033
Register a Carer
Register a Carer
It is important that we know if you are a carer so that we can make sure you receive information, services and the help that is available. If you are a carer please complete this form.