
Making a GP Appointment

Appointments are available up to four weeks in advance for both telephone and face-to-face consultations through the following booking systems:

  • Telephone 020 7835 0400
    For urgent same day appointments please telephone at 8.30am (morning surgery) or at 2.30pm (afternoon surgery).
    A doctor will call you back, usually within the hour, to discuss your health needs. They may be dealt with by telephone or you will be asked to attend the surgery for a face-to-face appointment.
  • Online via SystmOnline
    Click below to use our online system. Please contact reception for information about how to register.
  • Online via the NHS app – Click below to download or login via the NHS website.

If you would like to talk to a doctor without making an appointment, click below to use PATCHS.

Routine Appointments

Appointments can be booked online or by calling the reception team on 020 7835 0400. There are both face to face and telephone appointments available, which can usually be booked up to 4-weeks in advance.

Urgent Appointments

If your request is urgent, please telephone us on 020 7835 0400 at 8.30am for an urgent morning appointment, or at 2.30pm for an urgent afternoon appointment.

A doctor will call you back, usually within the hour, to discuss your health needs and advise accordingly.

Many urgent problems can be addressed via telephone, but should you or the doctor feel it necessary, there will also be capacity for you to be invited in for a same-day face-to-face consultation.

Making an Appointment with a Nurse, Pharmacist, or Healthcare Assistant

Please call us and speak to our reception team on 020 7835 0400. In order to book you into an appropriate slot, the receptionist may need to ask you what the appointment is for.

How to Cancel an Appointment

If you are unable to attend your appointment for any reason, or the health problem for which you booked your appointment has cleared up, please remember to cancel your appointment. 

Our lateness policy states that if you are more than 10 minutes late the clinician may not be able to see you, and you may then be asked to rebook. This is to ensure the smooth running of clinics, and the safety of all our patients. We ask that you make every effort to arrive in good time for your appointment.

Even cancelling your appointment with 10 minutes’ notice will enable us to see other patients in need. We have a large number of people who do not attend their appointments every single week leading to wasted doctor and nurse time, leading to delays in you being able to get an appointment.

You can use our online system, call us on 020 7835 0400 or come in and speak to Reception. On average there are 60 missed appointments per month.

Please let us know well in advance if you cannot make your appointment so that it may be allocated to another patient.

Self-Referrals – Physio, Talking Therapy, Maternity

For some services, you can self refer directly.  
These include:

Making an Appointment Out of Hours

Our reception team can arrange for patients to have a GP appointment between 06:30-20:00 weekdays, bank holidays and weekends. These are organised for West London patients and GPs will be in attendance by telephone or in person at either the Violet Melchett Centre or the St Charles Centre, the two local hubs offering this service.  Appointments must be made in advance through Stanhope’s reception team.  Some appointments are ring fenced for SMW patients and are made available through the Primary Care network with their own GPs. 

Extended Hour Hubs offer pre-booked appointments for West London registered patients at evenings and weekends. There are 2 hubs in West London:

St Charles Centre for Health and Wellbeing 
Exmoor Street
W10 6DZ

Violet Melchett Health and Wellbeing Hub
30 Flood Walk

The extended hours hubs will provide the following primary care medical services, as a minimum requirement:

  • Clinical assessment, and treatment service to patients presenting with minor injuries and mild to moderate illnesses
  • Self-care management information and advice
  • Cervical screening and contraceptive services
  • Childhood immunisations and vaccinations
  • Wound Care

The following services will not be provided by the extended hours hub services:

  • Patients who are identified with a potentially life threatening medical condition which is not suitable for primary care management must be immediately and safely transferred to the relevant urgent and emergency care service
  • GP appointments relating to test results received
  • Long term condition reviews and care plans
  • Medication reviews

You will be able to access the HUBs services by asking your registered GP surgery or calling 111.

Home Visits

If you are unable to come to the surgery and a home visit is required, please telephone 020 7835 0400 before 10:30 if possible. After 18:00, at weekends and on bank holidays PLEASE CALL 111.

If you call the surgery when we are closed, you will hear a recorded message instructing you to call 111.


Making, Amending and Cancelling a Hospital Appointment After a GP Referral

If your doctor has referred you to a specialist for further care, the GP practice will normally contact the specialist on your behalf. The hospital / specialist will write to you with appointment details.  

The letter from the hospital / specialist will show your reference number on the first page. And a password will be provided on the second page.  

Occasionally, you could be asked to book your own appointment online via the NHS e-Referral website. If this occurs, your GP practice will give you a referral letter which will contain the reference number & password. 

How to book, amend or cancel an appointment

You will be able to book a new appointment or amend / cancel an existing appointment online via the NHS e-Referral website.

You will need the following details to log into the e-Referral website: 

  • The year you were born 
  • Reference number – this will be on the first page of your letter 
  • Password – this will be on the second page of your letter